Satisfaction with distance training in infotechnology applied to pharmaceutical research



training, infotechnology, pharmaceutical industry, satisfaction, parameterization.


Introduction: The pharmaceutical industry must have specialists trained in infotechnology to face the challenges of the informational era, the quality of the training process intended for these purposes can be assessed by knowing the degree of satisfaction of its participants.

Objective: To evaluate the level of satisfaction with distance training in infotechnology for the management of scientific information to support pharmaceutical research.

Methods: Educational research with dialectic approach was conducted in the Development and Innovation Unit of the Laboratories AICA+ Company in June 2023. The population consisted of 15 senior specialists, of whom 12 (80%) worked in the development and innovation unit, which were considered the study sample. Parameterization was used, with a single variable derived in three epistemological, procedural and behavioral dimensions and these in turn in four indicators. A survey and an interview were used during the training, which consisted of three stages: design, execution and closure.

Results: 100% of the specialists answered the survey and the interview, who evaluated the objectives, contents and methodological aspects as satisfactory. The performance of the teachers with the highest score. 100% stated the possibility of using the knowledge acquired in their daily work and 91.6% considered themselves capable of transmitting what they had learned. The technological support for the practical part of the training was evaluated as partially satisfactory. In addition, they identified the problems and potentials of the training.

Conclusions: The level of satisfaction with distance training in infotechnology confirmed its value for the management of scientific information to support pharmaceutical research aimed at drug development, and, in turn, that it could be applied in other areas of the pharmaceutical industry.

Author Biographies

Nancy Burguet Lago, UDI Empresa Laboratorios AICA

Investigadora Titular,Profesora Titular,Biotecnologa del primer nivel de la Unidad de Desarrollo e Innovación Empresa Laboratorios AICA

Ivonne Burguet Lago, Instituto de Farmacia y Alimento (IFAL), La Habana, Cuba.

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesora Titular. Instituto de Farmacia y Alimento (IFAL)

Sonia Núñez Amaro, Especialista ECIMED

MSc. Ciencias de la Información y Bibliotecología. Especialista Ecimed.



How to Cite

Burguet Lago N, Burguet Lago I, Núñez Amaro S. Satisfaction with distance training in infotechnology applied to pharmaceutical research. Rev Cubana Farm [Internet]. 2024 May 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];57. Available from:

