Consumption of Flutamide, Bicalutamide and Goserelin for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer



consumption, drugs, prostate cancer.


Introduction: Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in men. However, with early detection and advances in its treatments, it is possible to reduce mortality from this cause. Guaranteeing therapies to increase survival in patients with this disease should be a practice of the health systems.

Objective: To analyze the correspondence between the consumption of flutamide, bicalutamide and goserelin and the demand made by health services in Artemisa province.

Methods: A descriptive study was carried out, with elements of practical consequences. Consumption was calculated in defined daily dose x 1000 men > 50 years/day of the drugs under study in Artemisa province, from 2011 to 2019 and compliance with the annual demands for each one was corroborated.

Results: The consumption of flutamide and bicalutamide has decreased in recent years, but not for goserelin, which has been increasing with a tendency to stabilize. In addition, with respect to the demands established by the oncology service, it is observed that in the case of flutamide, until 2014, there was consumption above demand and, as of 2015, it is greater what is demanded than what is consumed. With bicalutamide and goserelin there is a relationship between what is planned and what is consumed, however, in 2019 it was not met what is demanded by the service.

Conclusions: There is a decreasing trend in the consumption of flutamide in health services and an increase in its demand. Consumption and demand trends decrease for bicalutamide as a whole. In the case of goserelin, consumption and demand increase.


Author Biographies

José Ramón Cabrera Cepero, Centro Nacional Coordinador de Ensayos Clínicos CENCEC

Licenciado en ciencias farmacéuticas. 


Master en Farmacia Clínica

Coordinador provincial de Ensayos Clínicos, provincia Artemisa

Yania Suárez Martínez, Empresa comercializadora de medicamentos. Artemisa

Licenciada en ciencias farmacéuticas.

Humberto Gámez Oliva, Hospital general docente "Comandante Pinares"

Doctor en medicina.  Especialista de 2do grado en oncología. Profesor auxiliar.

Marlén Ramos Ferro, Hospital general docente "Comandante Pinares".

Licenciada en enfermería. Profesora auxiliar.



How to Cite

Cabrera Cepero JR, Suárez Martínez Y, Gámez Oliva H, Ramos Ferro M. Consumption of Flutamide, Bicalutamide and Goserelin for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer. Rev Cubana Farm [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 4 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];56(2). Available from:

